Moving Parts: Frank Konrad and Philipp Unterhalt

At HAHN Automation Group, innovation is key for success. However, as Co-CEOs Frank Konrad and Philipp Unterhalt tell The CEO Magazine, they would be nothing without the employees operating behind the scenes.

At HAHN Automation Group, a global solution partner for factory automation, culture is what ultimately underpins the entire way that they operate. In fact, Konrad and Unterhalt joke that as well as only hiring people who share the values of the company, whenever acquiring companies, they also always have an eye on the management side because they only want to do business with people they can also have a beer with.

Indeed, when Unterhalt first joined the HAHN Automation Group team in 2014 as Investment Manager of RSBG SE – a holding subsidiary of the RAG-Stiftung that had just acquired the majority stake in HAHN Automation Group – he says the main reason he took the position was because he recognized how unique and intimate their culture was.

“This company is driven by management that have people as the focus,” he explains. “I’ve seen a lot of companies in my life, but I had never felt this kind of culture before.” So much so, that it even proved to be the catalyst that prompted him to accept the role of Managing Director in 2019.

“I thought, ‘Hey, this is really special’,” he says. “Besides performance, it’s these values and the culture that brings the team together. You can see it when we have gatherings like a global conference of the management teams. It’s like friends meeting, not colleagues.” (…)


Are you curious? Read the full article here